Looks like I should follow the old saying and 'open mouth- insert foot' right now. Guess who proved me wrong and went potty last night for me- for the very first time?! That's right- Miss Kalaya. Of course, we immediately got in the car and went to get balloons- like I promised her she could have if she went potty.
We talked about it the whole way there-- how she was a big girl and big girls get balloons for going potty. We talked about what colors and what styles we wanted and how we were going to let them fly up high to the ceiling of the house
(Which coincidentally, if you didn't know, is only 6 feet 8 inches from the floor in my house. (Or 6 feet 5 inches depending on what part of the sloping hallway your standing at the time) So basically, when I wear heels, my ceiling is only 5 inches above my head. Needless to say- we don't play "throw the baby in the air", stretch our arms while yawning, or jump with any ethusiasm very often in my house.)
We pulled into Wal-mart just giddy with excitement about getting our 'Potty Party' balloons- walked in the store, over to the greeting card section, and promptly noticed that the only available balloons were "It's a Boy" ones or a half deflated Elmo that quite honestly looked like it had seen better times.
Thanks Wal-mart-- thanks alot. You've always been a pal to me-- pulling for me in the hard times. I can't begin to tell you how great it was explaining to my 2yr old that those 'Potty Party' balloons we've talked about for days don't actually exist and mommy is simply a compulsive liar bent on destroying every childs fragile dreams. (This is your head start Santa, Easter Bunny, and Tooth Fairy. You better get your magical booties in gear and head back to the sugar coated lands you came from. I'm on a mission!)
Thankfully- (and I can't believe I'm saying this)-- can someone hold my hand when I say this? I'm scared-- hold me tighter.
Ok-------deep breath------
Thankfully -I got her focus off of the Loch Ness balloons (as I have so called them for their mysterious and sometimes questionable existence) to the ever beckoning PLAY-DOH AISLE!!!! As you all remember, Play-doh and the act of playing with Play-doh is NOT taken lightly in our household. Our Play-doh comes with a dictator like agenda listing the times, places, and exact motions you can carry out with said Play-doh--- all established by Commadant Kalaya. Failure to communicate your intentions ahead of time can lead to extremely disturbing results.
You know how the Play-doh containers say " Fun to play with- not to eat"? Yeah well, ours should say "Fun to play with- when we tell you it's fun to play with" Somehow we find the only container of communistic Play-doh everytime we buy some.
Aside from the berating and domineering play tactics that were endured-- I really enjoyed playing with Kalaya and her new Play-doh.
Next time we're going to find balloons if it kills me- before the Play-doh does.

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