Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Goodbabies: A Scorsese Film

It starts out all good and well.....

And then you recall from before- this isn't your run of the mill play-doh party. Remember what our Play-doh parties are like?

Let's refresh :

Needless to say- the party definitly ended up with someone in concrete boots and sleeping with the fishes.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Why I Should Be A Stay At Home Mom

To grow this: To be here:
To have more time to be silly:
To work more with the church:
To make this:
To teach Kalaya things like this:
To be with them:

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

10 Million Strong- And Growing!

Pebbles and Bam-Bam never knew they had it so good with their cute lil chewable vitamins. Whippersnappers!


NOTE: This is not a real pill nor is she in danger of swallowing it.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Moments in Terror: Part 1

AGGHH! Instead of " When Pets Attack"--- "When Toddlers Attack"!
AGGHH! Our dental bill just came in and it's OUTRAGEOUS!
AGGHH! It's Christine: The Redneck Chronicles!
AGGHH! What is that?! No seriously! WHAT IS THAT!? AGGHH!
AGGHH! My belly is slowly taking over my body!
AGGH! My cousin posted a picture of me on her blog getting my bootie handed to me in a basketball game by my little brother!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I Got It From My Mama

If you didn't know it already- please let me be the first to tell you-
I am a clumsy person.
Yes- I know it's not something most people are proud of (especially grown adults) but when I walk into walls, trip over my own feet, and don't even trust myself on the edge of a pond- I probably should just do as I am doing and admit I have serious balance issue. Matter of fact, as my sister-in-law so plainly stated last week-" Sara, you are the only adult I know that still always has skint up knees" (Ya'll just wait. Wait till I find out I have an inner ear miscombobulation or something like that- then we'll see who's laughing last!)
Anyways- the saddest part is not the fact that I cannot turn a corner in the hall at work without hitting the adjacent wall- but that it seems my clumsiness has trickled down into Kalaya and made itself quite at home.
We all remember this jewel right?
Forehead, meet Door Frame.
Door Frame, meet Forehead.
And who could forget this one?

We all know Diesel doesn't remember it. Matter of fact, I'm pretty sure his memory was knocked clean from the moment his head made contact with the foot board. Life started over for him at that point.
But why do I bring all this up today? Because, knowing my daughters past with walking and standing, jumping, turning, twirling, and anything where she is vertical- I knew that we were going to have issues yesterday when Daddy and I took her to feed the ducks.

Luckily, with Daddy and I both there, she didn't get many opportunities to fall into the water. However, she showed her mom-given talent quite well later when we got home and tried flying a kite.

Watch her bite the dust near the end then nonchalantly get up to see what Nessey's doing. Either she's used to it or she knows how to play it off really well.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Spring Has Sprung

Springtime is here and we couldn't be happier! Being couped in the house all winter has left us with a desire for mud between our toes, some sun on our pasty skin (ok maybe just mine), and the need to plant a flower or two.
It's still a little too early to start planting but that doesn't mean we can't start with other things. We started seeds in the house. We're painting some new pots. Got a new porch swing to paint red. Hung new bird feeders out. Weeded the flower bed. All the while--- enjoying every minute of it.

Monday, March 9, 2009

A Dissertation on OCD: Is It Hereditary?

Most assuredly YES:

Most assuradly NO: