Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Best Cupcake EVER!

When Red Bull Needs a New Spokesperson.... Call Me

Ever had so much energy that you couldn't even contain yourself and it had to come out of you someway or another?

Yeah me neither.

But others, however, just ooze it all day long.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Took Me Almost 4 Years To Get Here...

But we made it!
Kalaya had her first twee lil hair cute this weekend. And by 'twee' I mean miniscule. I am the worst person to contact when determining how much hair to cut because, let's be honest people, I haven't really cut my hair since the bowl-cut days almost 15 yrs ago. (Thanks mom, for letting me go out in public like that-- really, thanks)
So Aunt Lolly's instructions were to "cut her hair, but don't really cut her hair. Like cut some off-- but not really any".
I think she did quite nicely. Even while I was suppressing a full blown panichysteric attack.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

We Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Program....

So today I was going to post another funny story about Kalaya and the things that come out of her little head. But I heard something today that basically --- well it just burned my biscuits.

Through no fault of this persons own, I found out today that some people in my little world of acquaintances and co-workers think that I'm trying to be black. What are their reasonings you ask? Well they are as simple as the thoughts going through their heads.... 1) I have a biracial child and 2) I go to the break room in the mornings with two black co-workers ( let's not mention the white fellow or the latino fellow-- we wouldn't want to ruin their train of thought here.)

Seriously people?! Seriously?! I mean, as far as I knew, my only requirements for inital consideration to be my friend is that you breath and sometimes I don't even hold things to that requirement. (I'm really good friends with my electric blanket)

And if we are going to go about it this way, then let's just put it all out on the table.

  1. I'm blonde THEREFORE I'm dumb.
  2. I'm tall THEREFORE I'm clumsy/ play basketball/ hate being tall because I don't want men shorter then me.
  3. I have a child and I'm unmarried THEREFORE I have absolutely no morals at all.
  4. I like to listen to country music and I wear cowboy boots THEREFORE I'm a completely backwards redneck that loves the movie Deliverance.

What kind of prejudice and racism are we working with here folks? Are we really that small minded? I'm guessing we are.

And it's not just black vs.white anymore. It's white vs white and black vs. black too. (enter any race you like here as well)

Why is it that when a black man gets an education and tries to make a place in this world, he is told that he's "pulling a Carlton" and "trying to be white"? Seriously? You're telling me that a black man who is educating himself is, in fact, making himself white? Did you just not reversely pull prejudice on yourselves and say that white people are smarter? What kind of idiocy are we cultivating here?

And why is it when a white girl has black friends or a black boyfriend, she's trying to "go black" or live up to the old saying "once you go black- you never go back"? I don't remember ever being upset with my caucasian race or trying to convert to anything other then what God created me as.

And why did I date a black man you ask? Well, you may not believe me if I told you but I'll give you three guesses and the first two don't count. You want a hint? Ok, well--- it had ABSOLUTLY NOTHING to do with his skin color.

I didn't date white guys and get dumped- thus leaving me jaded. And I didn't do it to fit in. Matter of fact, I grew up in a home with white parents, went to a predominatly white church, and attended college where, at that time, there were probably only 25 students of other ethnicities.

So lets see----- not jaded, check. Not peer pressured into it, check.

Then what could it be? Oh I know! I just simply liked him. That's it. I didn't care that the good Lord saw it fit to make him African American. All I cared about was we got along and liked each other. The color didn't matter. My last name is not Crayola.

God blessed me by creating me in his image. That's it. That's all I care about and the only person I want everyone to know I am exclusively attached too. As I said, my friend requirements are minute to say the least. I want to be with people who can laugh at themselves and with me. I don't care if you are black, white, asian, latino, or dang purple. If you can look at life as a 'glass half full' person and like to laugh-- come sign up. I'm not going to go sit down with some stockbrokers and start flinging sayings out like " where's the Dow today. Oh yes, it's a bear market I tell you. I wonder how Apple is doing?" just to try and fit in.

So please, if you don't want to be my friend, then keep it to yourself. I don't want to hear you brag about ' hey- I had one black friend in middle school' to make it all better and then walk off muttering about me trying to be something else under your breath. Because frankly, I have a lot of friends that don't have your particular muttering problem and they could care less if I broke out in polka dots and stripes tomorrow.

Monday, February 15, 2010

My Valentine's!

Yes, this is me taking pictures from bed while Kalaya opens her presents for Valentine's Day. I never said I wasn't lazy sometimes. I actually put the presents in the hall so when she got up in the morning she'd run right into them.
She didn't.
I can now hypothesize that when she comes into my room at the crack of dawn every morning-- she's not really awake. It's just delayed sleepwalking.
Part of her present was crafty stuff to make Valentine's with. She's been talking about making some for weeks. Although, poor baby, she's been trying to convience me to save sticks, rocks, and grass she's picked up from outside to make " the bestest Valentines ever!".
We were laying in bed looking at her gifts when she informed me she needed to call Grana right then and tell her to come see her.
She called mom and said " Come see me Grana! For Valentine's day!"
Of course, my mom is a huge (correction: GIGANTIC) push over for Kalaya. But she was worried that the roads might not be safe yet and told Kalaya she may not be able to come.
To which Kalaya replied " You mean you don't want to come and see your baby, Grana?"
Point, Set, Match.... to Kalaya.
Grana was there in record time.
Before Grana got there we had to IMMEDIATELY go to the kitchen to start making valentines.
We were able to create 4 or 5 valentine's all before Grana got there.
And who says we can't still create some more with help!

Will Work for Freezer Space

The view outside my front window.
This is definitely the benefits to living in the country. (not that I've found any negatives at all) We had TONS of snow to play in. Acres and acres worth. We even would have had more if we went into the fields to play but I don't think any of us really wanted to slide down a hill of snow and end up with a cow patty on us.
I had to work Saturday (this is getting old by the way) but was able to go in late because of the roads. So I was able to help Kalaya and Daddy build a snowman at Daddy's house. (no idea why the half snowman here has frog eyes)

I figured since our snowman was awesome enough to have a corn nose (we make do with what we have)- then he was awesome enough to have a great name.
Meet Willy Melt.
(Sorry, we didn't have time to build his girlfriend-- Betty Will)

However, we did arrange for an indoor snowman.

Again, don't hate....his bodyparts were brought to you by chocolate covered pretzels. Sigh- i know, sad right? We were at Daddy's house-- blame him.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Thoughts Going Through Her Head....

1.) Ahhhh.. I love nice warm bubble baths on a cold winters day!
2.) My mother is the best! I wish I could give her kisses all day long!
3.) Peanut butter jelly time! Peanut butter jelly time! PEANUTBUTTERJELLY! PEANUTBUTTERJELLY!
4.) I wonder if I can arrange for supper to be delivered here to me? I'm sure I can- I do have the local folks wrapped around my delicious little finger. Come to me my little nuggets of servitude--- come to me.....
5.) I wonder if Diesel can breath? Maybe I should let him up for a moment? Nah.

I'm Creating a Monster

I'm creating a little monster of humor and I have to say---- I love it. Currently, I'm molding my 'little chip off the old block' to include as many humorous references that my poor little mind comes up with as well.
Recently, we've been emulating Mac and Tosh: The Goofy Gophers. Do you remember these guys?
Of course they were a direct rip off of Chip and Dale but it's ok. Chip and Dale became Rescue Rangers. What do you think ever came of Mac and Tosh? Exactly. Nothing. Unless they now are maitre'ds at your local CHOPS, I don't think they made it so far in the world.
(they never got to face an arch nemisis named Fat Cat--- that's a total fail at life in my book)
So anywho---- if you recall, Mac and Tosh were incredibly polite little furried guys.
Most of their conversations involved alot of " You first my dear" and " But no, no, no, no. It must be YOU who go first". Or my favorite --- " Indubitably!"
Meet the Tosh to my Mac:

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Always Laugh When You Can-It's The Cheapest Medicine

Kalaya is still talking about the Wizard of Oz.
This morning she treated me to a whole summary of the music. My favorite song was her version of " We're Off To See The Wizard".
If you recall, the song goes something like this:

"We're off to see the Wizard.
The wonderful Wizard of Oz.
Because, because, because, because, becaaaaaaaaaaaause-
Because of the wonderful things that he does!"
Kalaya's version went something like so:

"We're off to see the Wizard.
The wonderful Wizard of Oz.
Teacups, hiccups, teacups, hiccups, teacuuuuuuuuups-
Because of the wonderful things that he does!"

I believe what we have here is a failure to communicate.

Also, yesterday I pulled up my pants leg and told Kalaya-- " Kalaya, mama needs a tan"

She responded- " oh you mean Hannah Tanna?" The MON in Hannah Montana never really connects with her yet and no, I do not mean Hannah Montana.

Monday, February 8, 2010

SuperBowl Sunday is my Favorite Sunday!

But it's not my favorite for the reason you think. ( although I did call that the Saints would win- Go Drew!)
The reason I loved this Sunday so much was because....

Kalaya and I got to sit down and watch one of my favorite movies together for the very first time- The Wizard of Oz.

I love the movie and, trust me, I LOVE musicals. (don't make me started with naming off the 36 of them that I own in alphabetical order-- I'll do it! And then inform you which ones you can get my for my upcoming birthday.)

But this movie is super special to me because it's a memory with my dad. I can remember laying right on top of my dad's stomach on the sofa on Sunday afternoon's watching a VHS of the Wizard of Oz that he recorded from TBS in like 1986. We watched it every Sunday afternoon together for I don't even know how many years. It was our time and our movie. I'll never forget how special that was to me. Poor man, I'm sure he had an overload of munchkins and choreographed numbers to last all his days- but he always was ready to watch it with me on Sunday afternoons.

So you can imagnie how happy I was to share that experience with Kalaya this past Sunday.

The movie held her attention the whole time. I loved explaining the story to her and where Dorothy was and I waited with anticipation to see if the flying monkeys freaked her out a little bit like they did me back then. ( Yes, they did just a smidge) I wish Dad could have been there-- he would have LOVED it.

Of course Grana stayed true to her form and did what she did on those Sunday afternoons years ago.....

You have to admit- she's consistent. 27 years and counting....

Kalaya's Qute Quotes

  • Kalaya and I went to Barnes & Noble last night to get a book in a series I am reading. We got to the front of the line and I began to check out. There were some magazines right at eye level for her. She picked up this one:and proceeded to comment " Mama, this guy is messsssed up!" I said " Yes baby, you just have no idea how much." All of us in line were cracking up.

  • "The monsters are at your work" --- so true baby, so true.

  • "Don't you think we should think this through first?"-----after I told her that we were going to pick up her toys before we watched a movie.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Yes, I Do Find Myself Humorous-- Thank You For Asking

I've bet you've heard it before haven't you? The age old witticism that many use in a feeble attempt for a comeback....

" You think you're funny, don't you?"

Hate to burst your techincolored bubble-- but matter of fact... yes, yes I do.

How else can I explain all the great comments and ideas I come up with in any given day?

Take today for example:

1) I've decided that if I open a bagel restaurant or need to sell a name for a bagel restaurant ( hey, stranger things have happend-- ahem---Al Franken is in politics people)

- I'm calling it Schmear Today, Gone Tomorrow

( I wanted Lox, Stock, and Bagel-- and was SOOO proud of myself for coming up with that one when I was Googley informed that it was already taken.)

2.) Coming back to how my humor may not be funny to all-- I was approached with this witty comeback today from Aaron:

Aaron: "Can the sarcasm."

Me: "Please, I always use fresh sarcasm. Never canned."

Sadly though, I do believe my humor has a small intended audience. For others, I think I may come off more like a Sesame Street muppet high on something brought to you by the letters L, C, and D.

Either way, the final judge is---- I throughly entertain myself in any given day. And that, people, is all you can ask for.

As Readers Digest has said on a monthly basis to every person in a doctor's office waiting room, or every U.S. citizen over 63:

Laughter is the Best Medicine.