i.e.- Make it work!
If you haven't noticed- I'm having to revert back to old photos and stories lately because I'm the idiot that lost the USB cord to my camera somewhere between work, home, and Alabama. So basically, I'm ebaying it as we speak and ordering a new one. New photos and stories will resume as promptly as the USPS can deliver- Which stinks because I had some awesome new pictures to share with you. Well at least this will be a tittilizing post of posts to come- just to wet your tastebuds.
Stay tuned for those.
So when I don't have a particular topic I want to blog about on any given day- I'm prone to look through my pictures on my computer to see if I can get any inspiration from them for a new post.
I honestly don't know what you want to call this one other then "Hair: A Psychadelic Experiment":

It's neat because it's different but it is NOT my child. It's career ending. Like when Baby from Dirty Dancing got a nose job. Where is she now? Exactly my point.
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