After some wheeling and dealing with my eBay friends in Hong Kong- I have managed to acquire a new USB cord for my camera. (On a side note- I had the other one the whole time and didn't realize it fell through a hole in the pocket of my purse and was stealthily lying between the liner and the leather of the purse- mocking me I assume.)
No worries though. Now I know for sure I'll always have a backup in case I lose it again. Now if only the USB cord could talk some sense into my cellphone that selfishly commited suicide in my toliet last night. Then we might be getting somewhere.
Speaking of toliets... ( What a way to lead into today's post huh? I'm as smooth as Sade's operator people and don't you forget it.)
Kalaya is still doing great at going to the potty. Lucky for us, she's not the type of kid who potties at home and refuses to go when we are out somewhere. You show the girl a potty and she's got that situation covered.
I try to make it as interesting as I can for her short of:
A. Letting her pee on a tree like "Zach at school does"
B. Try to potty while standing with on foot on each side of the seat, or
C. Attempt to potty on her seat while precariously holding Diesel over the "big" potty by often only one paw and/or ear.
Our entertainment is usually simply a book to read or mommy singing the "pee-pee" song that I most assuredly will regret making up one day.

We also get to put a sticker on our chart everytime we go potty. Yes I know it's not the most exciting reward ever but- come on! The kid gets balloons every Friday for going potty through the week and this past Sunday Mom, Lindsey, and I took Kalaya and Alex to Build a Bear to get their own bears for being big boys and girls and going potty.
Meet Kisses:
She's the most expensive stuffed bear you have ever seen- trust me. But they had a blast and so did the adults. So it was all worth it. 

Of course, there are still accidents and that's to be expected. Matter of fact, Alex dropped off a load at the Build a Bear store itself. Fitting huh? Kalaya took notice and handled it herself.
Kalaya: Alex- you stink.
Alex: I'm sorry. Alex poop.
Simple and too the point don't you think?
So here's to those bygone days of diapers and pull-ups! Who needs ya!? We've got better things to do with ya.
( She's cutting her eyes at me because I'm awesome- not because I'm a huge embarrasment. Trust me.)

1 comment:
Did you get this title from me? Seriusly, did you? If not, I fear for my life and my mind. And on that not, marry me.
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