Whose head do you think hurts more?

Diesel's- after a tragic fall onto the footboard of the bed that quite possible caused either brain damage or internal decapitation? (sorry the video is sideways- now I know not to video things vertically anymore- doesn't compute well on bloggers)
Listen at the end. Did you hear it? Did you hear his head bounce on the footboard? Gross.
Speaking of Diesel- I'm sure some of you out there have been thinking- " What's been goin' on with that lil scamp lately?"
Well, let's just say, a fall off of the sofa led to the untimely end of his career as a bat/Batman impersonator.
I give you-- Before:

The once proud, twin beacons of audio amplication are now diminshed and defeated. No more shall the twain meet in the air above this poor puppies head. His career is over. SixFlags is sooo going to cancel his Gotham City seasonal contract.
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