( Does that title make anyone else think about the movie Mrs. Doubtfire or is that just me?)

We took Kalaya to
Monkey Joe's this past weekend. It was kind of a 'spur of the moment' thing. After playing shy and coy, Kalaya eventually got the hang of it and really started to enjoy it. Of course, I couldn't leave her side or the tears of abandonment would ensue. Which, in turn, meant that it was necessary that I fit my 6foot tall self into places no one bigger then Elmo should attempt to squeeze into.* Bubba and Lolly dropped by too and got to see her climb the big kids slide.
Needless to say, it was the place to be. The place got overrun with kids in no time. Of course, just to ease your sense of worry about me- I wasn't allowed to play on the bigger slides with her because - and I quote this from the 15yr old running the front desk- " Adults can only play on the ones marked for 3 and under because an adult was on the bigger ones in Wisconsin and slide down and killed some kids" Thank you, Miley Cyrus, for that concise and to the point explanation. I feel loads better about my 25lb 2yr old jumping on the inflatable monkey of doom.
The day before we went to Grana's house and got to visit with Aunt Sandy and Uncle Doug. Bubba and Lolly came over as well for a hotdog dinner. We got to spend some quality time outside in the Fall weather.

I just love fall! I love the leaves, the cool mornings, the smell of hay being cut, our neighborhood cows, pumpkins, cinnamon smells, bonfires, fairs, scarecrows, hayrides, leaves----sigh--- basically everything.
I hope to get my yard ready for a bonfire this fall. I want to get Nana and Grandaddy to come help me cut some bushes down and dig out a good spot for it. Maybe circle it with some of Nana's rocks she has in Alabama- maybe build a couple of benches. I can't wait.
Check out this neat idea for pumpkins-- http://www.bhg.com/holidays/halloween/pumpkin-decorating/decorating-pumpkins-without-carving/
I want to get started on making those pretty soon. I think it's a totally neat option for kids. Maybe this year, when we do carve a pumpkin, Kalaya will get good and dirty in the pumpkin guts. Last year she wouldn't have much to do with it.

For Halloween last year, Kalaya was a punk fairy. This year she's going to totally rock the skunk costume.

She'll be debuting it at the Fall Festival at
County Line! It will be October 25th from 6pm till 8pm if anyone is interested in joining us! I'll be dressing up as well but I can't tell you what it is right now- you'll just have to wait to see it!
Kalaya's first cousin Justice Wayne Maynard is due this Sunday October 12th!! We can't wait till he gets here. So far they are expecting him to be a big boy at 8lbs. Poor Lolly.
I get to spend the first few days with them, helping them around the house and with Justice. What an honor! I can't wait till he gets to see his favorite and most gorgeous Aunt Sara.
Pray for Lolly and Bubba and Justice. Pray that the Lord will take care of them and keep them in his hands.
Justice couldn't pick a better mommy and daddy to come home too. What other lil boy gets to come home to an Alabama babyroom! Roll Tide Roll!

Lolly is going to kill me for posting this picture.
* Footnote: What happened to when this was all fun and easy? Nowaday's blow-up boucy things equal excruciating back pain and headaches. Don't even get me started on trampolines! That's like a death trap for anyone over 21.
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