Our bubbles have been known to cause hours of joy and entertainment repeated on a nightly basis.
Your bubbles (wine bubbles that is- for those lyrical laypeople out there) have been known to also cause hours of joy and entertainment---- followed by an equally excruiciating amount of time with your head in the toliet resulting in swirlies and hurl in your socks. Neither of which sound appealing or like something you would want a repeat performance of.
No encore tonight Don.
Although- that's not to say that our bubbles don't get out of hand on occassion:
And by 'out of hand' I mean they suspiciously turn into war paint.
(Bet you'll never guess who's hiding under the bed right now as Kalaya plans her next tactical movement?)
You got it.
I would probably lay a large wager out there to say that Diesel would give his left eyeball for some of your "bubbles" on occasions now and again Don. Just enough to take the edge off.
I mean- it's as you say Don:
"Tiny bubbles in the wine, make me happy, make me feel fine, tiny bubbles make me warm all over."
** Based on Don's picture above- I've narrowed down the definition of " Bubbles" to one of three things:
1.) Botox and Just for Men
2.) The blood of 1000 virgins a la Countess Elizabeth Bathory ( ironic last name)
3.) Hawaian Tropics suntanning oil and Soul Glo...please see below:
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