Can't I just feel like ducking into someones couch so that I can finally feel safe, and that I am in no immediate danger if all you can see are my ears? Does this have to be such a big problemo?
I just forgot to get a pedicure people! Ok? Or....or... I have a blister! You don't know anything about me--- locos!
But it has NOTHING to do with, say, Kalaya attacking me while I'm sleeping and forcing me to make nose and paw impressions in her Play-doh collection. HAHAHAHA, that's so SILLY, tontos! Now, if you'll excuse me, my caretaker needs to carry me to bed. Not because it hurts to walk on my unpedicured stumps, no, not at all, but because some of the Play-doh got in my eye and I'm finding it hard to get around the house.
Nooooooooo (yawn) I don't feel like it. I have no energy, amores. I don't WANT to sit here and hide like una rata from a cat. Maybe I will go see about gnawing a hand off one or two of her baby dolls.
Leave me now. Besos!
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