We went to see Kris Kringle last night at the mall. Kalaya had a blast- this was her first time going to see him. Of course, she took this opportunity to lay some good ole' fashion humor on us in great quantities. As explained below:
1.) Kalaya often refers to herself as “your baby”. Therefore statements can often sound like this---“Your baby’s hungry Mama”, “Your baby’s sleepy”, or “Come get your baby.”
However, this didn’t seem to translate well yesterday when we were waiting for Daddy to get off of work so we could go see Santa. That’s when she came out with this gem-----
“Mama, where is your baby’s daddy?”
2.)Kalaya asked Santa for the following for Christmas:
*A biscuit
*Pancakes (who’s not surprised)
*A Dora potty ( albeit, she already has one and 2 others to boot)
*Pink (yes, that’s right. The color pink. You have a problem with that?)
3.)Kalaya’s Christmas Joke:
Her version of “a priest, a pastor, and a rabbi walk into a room” delightfully intertwined with a knock- knock joke:
Kalaya: Knock knock.
Me: Who’s there?
Kalaya: A Nana, a Grandaddy, and a Grana.
Me: A Nana, a Grandaddy, and a Grana who?
Kalaya: (looking surprised) You don’t know them? Nana’s mountain is in Alta-bana (Alabama for those not fluent in toddler) (pointing out the car window to the mountains) See there!
At this point, I’m pretty sure I just got schooled by a 2yr old.
4.) While looking at her picture with Santa this morning she begin pointing to her and Santa and telling me-" This is Santa and Kalaya Claus". I explained to her that the picture was of Santa Claus and Kalaya. She again informed me that this is a picture of "Santa and Kalaya Claus".
Someone has some explaining to do.