A baby does change everything doesn't it? With the birth of Jesus in that lowly stable- my life was saved. With the birth of my daughter- my life was made whole. I can't think the Lord more for these babies. One to one day become my Holy Father and the other to call me 'Mama'.
Enjoy your Christmas everyone! I'm hopping the next sled out of here and will be gone till after the New Year. (Don't hate me) Look for new posts and pictures in 2009!
( If your lucky and I get bored this afternoon I may come up with an extra post to grow on for you for the holiday season. The more you know......)
Your an amazing Mommy and Kalaya counld not of asked for a better one. Merry Christmas, I know I will talk to you before that but just letting you know that we are all blessed to have a woman like you in our life!!!
Merry Christmas Sara!!!
Love You!
Miss You!
Thanks for everything you have done for me and with me in the last 5 years!!!
P.S. I love that last picture!!!
Ok you need to go check out www.faceinhole.com it is supuer cute!!!
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