Is he not suave? Do you not wish to bathe in his baby scented loveliness? Don't you have several baby voices and goofy faces posed in case of a chance meeting with this young man-child of fair face?
That's a good thing, as extenuating circumstances have conspired -- both circumstantially and extenuatingly -- to prevent me from posting new photos until later this week. Please hold tight as I sharpen my homing and tracking skills and locate my lost camera and please, check back later for more studly infant deliciousness. Thank you.
Have I mentioned you look fantastic today?
On a side note... Justice left a deeply heart felt message for all of his blog followers out there:
Beloved Friends,
It is with throbbing arms that I thank you for all your support of The Toddler Made Me Do It, which -- thanks to snuggly little nuggets like yourselves -- has entertained the masses quite possibly throughout central and northern GA. I am so grateful for your dedication, which brought such joy to TTMMDI that I dare say a wee tear squeaked out of my ducts before I dispensed hugs all around. The mailman acted surprised, but he went with it, bless his cuddly heart.
With a caring fist-pump to the sky and a hug in my soul,
Your Justice
P.S. Sorry for no post yesterday. I was just too overcome to focus properly before -- mother just gave me a raise by upping my daily milk intake to 4 oz and the milk coma over took me before I could count to 2! The news made me positively giddy.
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