" Oh, hey there Ms. Maynard. Good to see you home early today. You don't umm uhhhh usually come home this early do you?"
"What are we doing here? Oh you know, a little peckin', a little scratchin', chasing a worm here and there."
"Yeah, we know we aren't in our yard but you know what they say? The grass is always greener on the other side. Am I right or am I right?! HA HA"

"What do you mean ' do I know what happened to the other chickens that lived here'? That sounds a bit threatening Ms. Maynard. You know we are the new generation of food substanance in America don't you Ms. Maynard? We've rallied ourselves together- we have a union. You can't treat us this way anymore. If you want any more of our eggs you have to respect us now."
"I'm sorry, did you just say that you don't like eggs? Well then that's great- we don't need this hostile stand off over egg vs yard scratching rights anymore. We can join together 'mano a wingo'- right my sister?!."
"I'm sorry- did you say something? You mumbled. Ohhhhh, you eat alot of chicken fingers?"

1 comment:
You crack me up with your yokes, haha that was fowl don't ruffle your feathers :)
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