Like any good Santa lovin' kid....Kalaya put cookies and milk out for Santa on Christmas Eve.

Nessey had other plans in mind for those delicious gingerbread men. (Also, and this note is for Blakley, you know how you say you always feel like you could have done better as a mom? Yeah well, we had plans to make homemade gingerbread cookies for Santa that night. Guess what? Thank heaven for 7-11! Bought those lovely gingery men at 9:30pm that night and placed them with care on a plate at 9:31pm for Santa. We just try to get by people- we do the best we can)

Of course all presents got the good ole 'check and feel' to see if we could determine if it was super fragile or not.
Maddie got a tent too. Maybe we should plan a camp out. Throw them in the back yard with their tents and walkie talkies and see how long they the summer of course!
Is that a snuggie in the background? Please tell me it is, PU LEASE EDDY! She's so adorable with the wee drum kit, hit those high hats.
Love It!!! I need more videos of your daughter!!!!
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