n our house lately- we have been learning that there are words you can and cannot say. The problem is that you have to say the words you cannot say in order to inform someone that "hey there buddy! You can't say those words!" (kind of like the word gestapo) That being said, it's like a by for someone to actually say the bad words. I'm trying to figure my way out of this vicious cycle as we speak- but alas, I'm still circling ( akajunkun- Aaron)
So, Kalaya has figured that if she hears the word "stupid" she should immediately inform the authorities of said word injunction by saying the word "stupid" no less then 10 times. (She knows I have memory issues- she should- she took it from me:))
At least she's learning right from wrong right? Right!
But what do you do when Mickey Mouse uses a word on our No-No list?! How can I argue with the mouse? He's the be all to end all in our house and who am I to correct his speaking?
I tell you who can though.......Kalaya!
When that mouse lets a words slip she is definitely the first to make sure he knows he's in the wrong. For example, this morning we were watching an old Mickey Mouse cartoon (the new ones are better- more politically correct) and Mickey said "stupid". She perked up faster than lightening and quickly informed me that Mickey Mouse said a bad word. I explain that she was correct he did- and he's sorry- but please don't repeat what he says.
Sadly for him, he didn't make it 2 more minutes before he let another dirty word fly.
What word was it you ask?
The dreaded word "INSTINCTIVELY"!!!! OH NO!!!! (btw-when I said the 'dreaded word' all I could think of was the dreaded pirate Roberts from The Princess Bride. sigh. Anyone? Anyone?)Basically- somehow the word "instinctively" got turned around in her head into "ugly" and "stupid". Needless to say- this combination of not only one word but two words now took me 20 minutes to clear up. I don't think me trying to explain it helped any. Actually, I'm still not sure where I am right now. The room is still spinning. Can someone stop the ride? I'm ready to get off now.
Kalaya and Alex's looks of disgust reserved for those with potty mouths....

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