If you're wondering why these blogs are becoming more of a review of daily dialogue with Kalaya it's pretty easy to explain. Umm.. I have to actually DO work at work sometimes people! I work for a tax software company so needless to say- I'll be busier then a one armed paper hanger from January to April. I try to still blog with things that are easy to get out here for ya'll. (No, my charming wit and writing skills don't just flow out of me:) Those processes take time)
So, without further ado-----1.) Kalaya singing a new version of The Farmer in the Dale:
Kalaya: The farmer and my tail. The farmer and my tail. Ho, ho drop and roll- the farmer and my tail.
2.) Kalaya's daddy surprised her yesterday by bringing a babydoll to her school on his lunch break. She was so excited when I picked her up that afternoon. She was telling me all about she and the baby did that day. So I asked her " What's your baby's name?" Normally she calls all baby's just 'Baby'. She's never named anything something else. So I wasn't suprised when she said "Her name is Baby". But I couldn't help but laugh when she made an executive decision to change the baby's name 2 mins later.
She changed the baby's name to Baby Boost.
I know your thinking- "Ok? so what?" Well, Baby Boost is a cable channel that she watches at the babysitters house. 

3.) Kalaya and I went out to eat Friday night with Grana and KK to Chili's. Since it was Friday night, there was a loooong wait for a table. So we settled down in the front lobby to wait it out. The lobby up front is all glass with glass doors so Kalaya was looking out the windows at the people standing outside. Mom and KK and I were talking when we noticed Kalaya was looking really intently out the window- her nose almost to the glass. We didn't know what she was doing until she turned around, saying really loudly and pointing through the window- " WHO'S BOOTIE IS THAT!?" Needless to say- the entire lobby got a kick out of that one!
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