Kalaya turned 4 this past weekend and we had a weekend of birthday festivities to celebrate. Of course, like usual, we held it at Nana and Grandaddy's.
This years' theme ( decided last year in December-- my baby knows how to plan!) was:
Strawberry Shortcake
The first step was making the cake and this year she wanted a "big girl cake". By that she meant- multiple layers.
This year we decided to use fondant. And the best part about fondant is....
We all got to help!
KK was definitely the master mind behind the whole thing.
But we all had our part to do. Nana, KK, Sandy, me and Kalaya all made parts for the cake.
She loved her cake!
We had to make sure Strawberry made it to the top somehow!
And of course everything was pink, pink, and pink.
But as long as there was food-- Justice didn't care what color it was.
And of course, after eating (pizza party- which by the way was the best idea we ever came up with. No cooking, no dishes, just nice and easy) --it was time for presents!
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