Kalaya, Nana, and I have been working hard on flowers this spring and summer with alot of beautiful results!

The little bottom pot is Kalaya's that she grew from seeds. They are called lupine and they are taking FOREVER to bloom. We can't wait to see them.

I moved the purple clover from my old house to fill in mom's front flower bed. They took really well.

I also moved TONS of day lilies from around the field in Alabama. Nothing beats free flowers! Nana taught me well. They are around $5 a piece at Home Depot.

Since I couldn't plant a full garden this year- I created my own hanging garden from our old swing set. Tons of different flowers here: kangaroo paws, begonies, geraniums, clamadyis, caladium, potato vines, salvia, and much more.

This is one of my favorite ones because of the colors. I love the green one- Nana introduced it to me. It's called " molten lava".

This has one of my favorite ones-- the potato vine. They are great additions and can grow very long. Nice for climbing up something.

Here are Kalaya's suprise pumpkins. We didn't even plant them. They came up all on their own from when daddy cleaned out the pumpkin for Halloween last year. Can't wait to get a new one for this year.

Kalaya's cucumber garden. She planted a package of them at Nana's. Needless to say, all of them (about 40 seeds) sprouted. We had alot of cucumber seedlings to share.

Laylay smelling her flowers.
And now to why else I have a green thumb! We re-did Kalaya's room when we moved. It's been done for weeks but I just got here to tell you about it.
Here room theme is Paris! oh la la!
And believe it or not, we were able to do the whole room for about $50. We are good at recreating things.

This is her bed. It was a bed frame Aunt Lolly found years ago on the side of the road that someone was getting rid of. Were they crazy to do that? Yes! It's gorgeous and it's an antique.... we love it! The black and white bedding was her toddler bed stuff so it matched everything perfectly. And you can see, yes, we did paint the walls black and green.
Painting the walls black was stressful to some (KK about hurled everywhere LITERALLY when we started) and it was exciting for others ( I LOVED IT!)
It turned out soooo cute!

I had pictures from Paris already in my living room so I gave them to her and we re painted some old shelves and re matted some picture frames all with things we already had around the house. The dresser I have already redone from last year ( painted from brown to white, added the designs, new knobs)

She already had the chandelier too. She loves this part! We plugged it into a cord where all she has to do is step on it to turn it on-- her favorite part.

See her cute little CD player? I love it. And there's a pic of Nana and Grandaddy on their wedding day.

Moved the books shelf in the closet for more room space and, as you can see, she doesn't need anymore clothes.

Little dress up area behind the door.

Bought a plain white lamp when she was born for like $3 and added the pink ribbon. This time I painted it black and glued on the french poodle.

Got the Eiffel Tower sticker at Hobby Lobby for 1/2 off so it was only like $7! I love that store!
Hope you enjoyed our hobbies as much as we do!
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