I am so sorry that you had to put up with my stubborness as a child (which, as I'm sure you would like to bring up, has still not disappeared. It's just, oh let's say, mellowed a bit)
You always told me that you couldn't wait till I had kids just so I could get a taste of my own childhood antics.
And, much to your chagrin, I totally LOVE having a child just like me.
She's a tomboy at heart and would rather get in the dirt then wear a dress.
She's tenderhearted to the point that small unimportant things can make her little heart hurt.
She's rambunctious (to say the least) and always on the go.
She LOVES her family with a fierceness.
All of these things that might have made me end up in a mud puddle one too many times or with a couple of time out's now and again- just make me love this little girl even more! She is a little me whether she has my blonde hair and blue eyes or not!
You win, Mom. You finally got your wish. I now see how the stubborness, which can I just say is COMPLETELY hereditary (thanks Nana and Grandaddy), made our day to day interactions as a child a challenge, to say the least.
I can remember all my little stubborn quirks as a child.
I recall being given a bite of stir-fry (which I hate) and holding it in my mouth for no less then 2 hours because I refused to eat it. And on that same line, I can remember sitting at the dinner table waaaay after everyone else left because I was supposed to eat my vegetables and yet still not giving in. (Notice, eating was a HUGE issue with me as a kid)
But, mostly, I can remember my stubborness about not wanting to take a nap or go to bed.
On this one issue, Mom, I just want to say " I'm sorry".
I'm sorry for the 3 trillion times I got up at night.
I'm sorry for making you say "If you get out of this bed again (insert threat here)" so many times that you probably considered making it your trademark quip. ( like Mr T and "I pity the fool" but more like Mrs. Mom "I pity the child's rear")
I'm sorry that the multiple spankings you gave me pretty much didn't squelch my sleep-escape attempts anymore then that whole "eat your food or you'll have to sit there all night" threat did.
(point being-- totally didn't work at all)
Why the sudden change of heart you ask?
Oh-- only because I have spent a total of 2 hours a night conjoling, threatening, sweet talking, spanking, ignoring, and praying for a 3 yr old who suddenly doesn't want to sleep in her bed after sleeping consistenly in it for the first 3 yrs of her life for 12-14 hours a night.
I have no idea where this new turn of events came from for her but I do know-- it can hop right back on it's horse and ride on out of town- PRONTO!
At this point, I'm at my wits end.
I have tried everything Nanny 911, Dr.Spock, you- my mom, my nana, and my mail carrier has suggested to no avail.
No threat or amount of spankings scares her or makes her back down. (gotta give her credit for tenacity----like a bulldog on a porkchop)
At this point, I've reached a final, heart breaking, lesson teaching decision.
Guess what Mama Stubborn has to do?
Give up.
If it comes to a battle of wills between a 3yr old and a 28yr old then I guess I better take the high road and give in on this one. Not that I usually do with her but it gets to a point where you'd rather not spend the 2 hours you see your child in a day spanking and threatening. I much prefer kissing and cuddling (and harassing you, Grana, as a team)
So in closing Mom----
Man, I sure do feel for you and all my stubborn antics as a child (although I could revert to the age old adage "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree")
Love your sleepy, frustrated, and in as much love with her baby as ever,