Kalaya and I got to sit down and watch one of my favorite movies together for the very first time- The Wizard of Oz.
I love the movie and, trust me, I LOVE musicals. (don't make me started with naming off the 36 of them that I own in alphabetical order-- I'll do it! And then inform you which ones you can get my for my upcoming birthday.)
But this movie is super special to me because it's a memory with my dad. I can remember laying right on top of my dad's stomach on the sofa on Sunday afternoon's watching a VHS of the Wizard of Oz that he recorded from TBS in like 1986. We watched it every Sunday afternoon together for I don't even know how many years. It was our time and our movie. I'll never forget how special that was to me. Poor man, I'm sure he had an overload of munchkins and choreographed numbers to last all his days- but he always was ready to watch it with me on Sunday afternoons.
So you can imagnie how happy I was to share that experience with Kalaya this past Sunday.
The movie held her attention the whole time. I loved explaining the story to her and where Dorothy was and I waited with anticipation to see if the flying monkeys freaked her out a little bit like they did me back then. ( Yes, they did just a smidge) I wish Dad could have been there-- he would have LOVED it.
Of course Grana stayed true to her form and did what she did on those Sunday afternoons years ago.....
You have to admit- she's consistent. 27 years and counting....
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