The other day our babysitter's little girl was sick so what did that mean?
Kalaya was soooo excited- she got to come to work with me for awhile that morning.
It was only for a couple of hours to get some things done- but it was definitely fun for her. She asked me at one time " Mama, when I get older can I work like you?"
I wanted to say " No baby! Run! Don't do it!" But of course I told that of course she could.
Poor unsuspecting child.
Anyways, we left early ( a whole day at mama's work would not have cut it) and went to Nana's house in Alabama early. We figured, since we had the day to play, we would do just that.
We stopped in Cave Springs on the way there to play.
If you've never been, Cave Springs is a really cute little town for kids and even adults.
The park there has a cave (duh) and a spring( double duh) that creates a pond and streams for the kids to wade and play in. Nana and Grandaddy used to take Jeff and I there as kids too. Heck, all kinds of people still go there. Kids were in the water, older people were at the mouth of the spring collecting water in gallon jugs to take home, and it was just down right lovely.
Good thing, come summer time, we keep a bathing suit around just in case of such emergencies.

And because Cave Springs has a ----drum roll please-----CAVE!---- we decided to go in and explore.

Finally, we got to Nana's for all the normal good times.
Kalaya planted cucumbers early this year and got her first ones off of the vine.

She's such a good farmer!