Every night, Kalaya and I have a routine. It goes alittle something like so:
A) picking up 2395820598 craft supplies or B) Trying to save Diesel's poor little life.
A) intrigued her with a "get ready for bed race" that would rival NASCAR
B) called to her like a doggie/kitty to tell her to come get her puppy/kitty treats. (obviously located in the bathroom)
C) used my superb threatening skills
Once we've got into the bathroom we throw a little toothpaste around, possibly touching our teeth a moment or two but more in likely hitting the shirt, lip, or floor.
Next, we go potty. ( This one is pretty straight forward)
And now we run to the bed to read some books.
Storytime is always in this order: I read them and she places them to the right of the bed. Then when I have read them all, she picks them up from the right and reads them to me to place on my left. ( My little OCD princess! Mommy love you precious!)
We then turn the lights off and either " tell stories" ( new favorites are PawPaw stories (about my daddy) or we sing songs.
Near the end of this routine we have our prayers. ( With full discussion on why we hold hands and how when we hold said hands " we make a perfect circle".
And then, finally!, at this point, we have my favorite part of the day--------The Best Part and Worst Part of the Day discussion.
Everynight i ask Kalaya, " What was the best part of your day?" and " What was the worst part of your day?" The answers are priceless and entertaining to say the least but I do have an alterior motive for this. I want her to be glad to share with me the good and bad parts of every day. So hopefully, when she's older and getting more angst in her attitude- she'll still want to tell me about the good and bad stuff of her day.
My favorite responses for " the best part" have been:
My growl was my favorite part of my day.
The chipmunks that flew in the sky after you hit them. ( no idea)
Taking a nap ( to which I replied with an astonished "really" and got back a " hahahahahhaha no, not really!"----------can you say " Smart" "alec"?)
My favorite responses for " the worst part" have been:
Going to bed.
Taking a nap.
Having to get in this bed.
( yes, we have a pattern here)
When we tell our "best part/worst part" stories for the day, she makes me lay my head on her chest and she hugs me and gives me kisses on my head.
It is by FAR the best part of my day! EVER!
(Oh, and I liked my growl pretty well too)