Thursday, January 28, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
So--- You Come Here Often?
Kalaya cracks me up doing our hair. As you've seen before-- it's a favorite pasttime of hers.
I got her a salon kit the other day as a reward and she is loving it. It came with the cape, scissors, curlers, hairdryer, etc.
The funniest part about all this is that she talks to you like she's a 35 yr old lady with 5 cats, all named after Little Debbie snack cakes, and a penchant for fanny packs and sunvisors.
She usually starts out with " So--- what's your name?" and if you don't give her name that is equal to her alter ego's-- she'll shoot it down until you come up with a perfect " gettin my hair done" name. (Who really knows what the criteria is for such a thing? Not me. I just go for the most outrageous name I can come up with. It's worked so far)
She then goes into " well--- how was your day today" followed by " oh really, I didn't know you did that!"
It's like she's pulling a Whoopie from the movie Ghost and is channelling someone else.
Highly entertaining to say the least.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Saturday, January 23, 2010
No... I Am Not a Sasquatch
- Color: white
- Brand: Puma or Nike (I'm sweat-shop equal opportunity)
- Size: 7 1/2
How did I know these things about myself? How did I know that's what I wanted? Well, believe it or not, after almost 28 years with good ole' me-myself-and I, I've began to learn what I want.
(Not to be confused for those few years I thought I knew what I wanted but I was just stupid and young and should of stayed locked in my room for approximately 7 years until the stupid grew out of me. (Note to self: Look for good lock for Kalaya's room in 15yrs)
So, since Myself and I are such bosom buddies- I knew, walking into the store, exactly what I wanted.
Unbeknownst to me, my local college-bound sales clerk knew me muuuuch better.
I walked in the store and headed to the women's shoes (Point for me! I knew I had to go to women's shoes!)
I headed right to the section with the Pumas. (Point dos for me! I know how to read!)
And then narrowed down my search to the white ones (HAT TRICK! I knew my colors!)
Here's where myself and I did not seem to communicate correctly. Maybe some of my synapses are down for construction. Silly me, I thought I wore a size 7 1/2 in tennis shoes. I was supposedly misinformed by my trickster inner self.
I found the shoe I wanted and thought "hey, I'll ask the sales girl for an 8." (I figured, I'll go a size bigger at first and then see how it goes)
The conversation went as so:
Me: "I'd like to see this in an 8 please."
Sales Clerk: (looking me up and down) "You want an 8? You mean a 9 right?"
Me: "Ummm no I think an 8 will do, thanks."
Sales Clerk: ( still looking up at me) "An 8?"
Me: "Yes- an 8."
Sales Clerk: "They run a little small- are you sure an 8?"
Me: (totally aware that, yes I am tall) "Yes please- an 8."
She walks off and I am still confident in the fact that I know myself well.
(White, Puma, 7 1/2--- I got this!)
Cute lil sales clerk comes back with 2 boxes in hand. I only asked for one.
Sales Clerk: "Ok I found the 8 in the Puma but I also got you the 9 just in case." ( big grin)
Me: "Ummmmm ok. Thanks"
And I grabbed the 8 to try on. They fit pretty good but were a bit big. I also didn't like those as much as I anticipated- so I looked at lil miss and asked for the other white (check) puma (check) in a size 7 1/2 (check).
Sales Clerk: " Are you sure? I have some of those in black and I found them to run a bit small?"
Me: " Yeah I'm pretty sure"
Sales Clerk: " Ok, so you are sure?"
Me: " Well, I thought I was before I came in here."
She gave a sweet little smile and with a kick in her step- went to the back to get the 7 1/2 for me in the other Puma. (fingers crossed)
Much to my dismay-- sweetie came back with two boxes again.
Sales Clerk: " I went ahead and got you the 7 1/2 and the 9 just in case"
(please remember, I have never once said that I wanted anything larger then an 8 at this point)
Me: " Ok sure"
I put the 7 1/2 on and they fit like a charm.
My inner self and I won! It was a challenge and enemies attacked on all fronts- but we made it through!
I walked out with a new pair of spankin' brand new 7 1/2 size, white Pumas.
So in closing:
Yes people, I am 6 feet tall. I am thoroughly aware of that everyday when I wake up till I go to sleep. I'm tall enough to have played basketball in school-- granted. However, much to your dismay, I did not. I of course would be happy to help you get something off of your top shelf because I'm friendly like that.
Why do I still wear high heels then? Because, if you didn't notice, you already look up to me. Why not look up AND I have fantastically awesome shoes at the same time?
But, and this is just so you know, I have little feet.
I'm one of the few and far between tall chicks with little feet. I don't know why. All I care is that they are big enough so I don't walk like Barbie or tip over when I stroll.
But most of all- the one thing I am most aware of---
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Popcorn Profits

Oh delectable treasures! Let me feel you my little friends!And now, to profit from our mutual friendship and admiration.
I must sell you my little nuggets and share you with the world.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Open Your Mouth When You Go Outside! Don't Waste The Snow!

Kalaya got her first taste of snow last night---literally. And she had a BLAST! That girl was on a snow-high for the next 6 hours. She loved snowballs and loved hitting you with them even more.

And Kalaya loved eating the snow too (not from the ground for those germ-a-phobes out there. Oh yeah- that's me.)
Her laughter says it all--- " Having a fun time at your expense" - as she pegs you with a snowball at 100mph.